a fucked up world that acts like saints.

No matter what you say, no matter what you do, and no matter how you look - people will ALWAYS find something about you that doesn't match their ideals. If you're skinny: you're only skin and bones. If you're chubby: you're gross and fat. If you're an ambitious student: you're a nerd and teacher's pet. If you don't go to school: you're a drop-out, freak, hopeless, lost cause. If you're good at something: you're bragging and a show off. If you're not as good at something else: you're a noob, loser, amateur, weirdo, lost cause. If you're happy: you're too enthusiastic, high, two faced, fake. If you're sad: you're depressed, suicidal, a cutter, emo. If you like having sex: you're a whore, slut, tramp, gross, disrespectful towards your body and you're pride. If you're a virgin/doesn't like having sex: you're lonely, the last virgin, weirdo, a prude.No matter what, people will try to find ways to bring you down. No matter what you do, people will find your flaws and weak spots. And i'm not saying that i'm better than any of those people - neither are you. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU has talked badly about a person. Talked shit behind someone's back, or even bullied someone. You have looked weirdly at someone, or commented on someone's style/walk/personality/clothes/appearance.“Uhm how can you know that? I'm the purest person ever, like i have never done any of that.”Yes, you have. Unintentionally, perhaps. Whenever you surround yourself with people who constantly do this, without any thought or consideration about how that person feels, you do it too. Whenever you agree with someone, you're doing it. When someone says "Oh, god! She/he is so fat/skinny!" And you've nodded along, or actually agreed - you've done it. You're not aware of it, perhaps, but you see - that's why I'm here. To tell you.Whenever someone makes fun of you, someone in your social group, someone in your family, a stranger, someone in your homeroom - think. What if that was me? What if that was my little brother? What if I walked by and heard someone talk shit about someone I knew, or even myself? Would that be okay? Would you take it? You see, this is the point where you've realized that this is going on. That you're doing it. Maybe everyday, who knows? You've become AWARE of something. Now you should think about how you FEEL about it. What's your attitude towards this behavior? Is it right? To push someone, that is just as much human as you are, down? Is it right to pick on someone for being, what's considered "fat"? Decide. Now, you have an ATTITUDE about it. Now what are you gonna DO about it? Are you just gonna sit by while someone bullies someone else? Are you gonna continue to judge people for how large/small their stomach and thighs are? Or are you gonna try and make a fucking change? Are you gonna defend that person you don't know? Are you gonna tell your friends off, when they comment on someone's clothes or size? This is where you BEHAVE in a certain way, depending on you attitude. It's up to you. Be the douche/bully you complain about. Be the reason why people commit suicide. You can hate me for this, but I DARE YOU to not tease another person for the rest of the week. We're all beautiful and precious and strong, no matter what size, look, or background. But none of us can handle too much. I dare you. We're not saints - but we better start be the change we want to see. 

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